Friday, January 16, 2004

Today's (rather short) editorial

It seems to be the subject of the week, as it's been on Oprah and it's on the radio today, so let me just state something.

On Oprah, they were presenting this girl who was 15, and representing the "rebelious teens". She wore thongs (wow, big deal) and wore makeup (evil, evil, evil), had been with her boyfriend for a year (rebel, rebel, rebel) and had never had sex.

What ? Is this a typical rebel teen ?
For God's sake, do you how many virgin 15-year-olds you're going to find nowadays ? Hardly any !

Anyways. The whole shows are always about how they have sex at age 11 and sleep around and how girls dress too sexy.

This isn't the problem guys ! This isn't what bothers you !
What bothers you, and what should bother you is that : they don't associate sex with love anymore. Like, at all. And it's not very likely that they ever will.

Thank you, I'm tired of all of this.

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