Saturday, July 10, 2004

So we opened one window for the night, and now it's not night anymore but we're keeping it open still, so our room remains the only place where the temperature is bearable. We're leaving for the mall and tonight we're going to the movies with friends, so then we'll shut the window.

Peanut's parents and his grandmother are coming to visit tomorrow, so he called to warn them about the heat, in case they'd wanna postpone their visit, and his idiotic mother said : "you could certainly turn off the dehumidifier while we're over..." Damn it ! I hate her, I hate her, I HATE her.

We're probably going to buy a small table for the balcony, so they (and we also) can sit outside.

Other than that, I am very sad to say that what I bought when I went shopping on, um, Tuesday I think, when I put everything on my credit card hoping they wouldn't authorize the transaction until today, unfortunately they charged everything, so I had to pay this nice, big bill this morning. I had not bought so much, but I already had used my credit card to pay the two tables by our bed (105$) and the vacuum cleaner (310$).

But we ARE going shopping again, and my credit card's clear till next month, so... yay !

(somebody's choking me right now...)

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