Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Ce matin, j'ai fini de traduire le press kit de la fondation (j'ai fini par me démerder avec les phrases fuckées en allégeant beaucoup la phrase, qui dit maintenant à peut près le même truc, mais de façon comprenable, maintenant), j'ai cherché pendant près d'une heure le nom d'un département de l'hôpital Shriners (dont j'ignorais jusqu'à l'existence, merde), j'ai fini par le traduire tout croche en déduisant que ça n'existait pas du tout en français. En remettant le tout à ma boss, je lui ai dit que j'allais devoir discuter de ce passage-là avec mon réviseur si sympathique, pour la voir me sortir la carte de la dame qui s'occupe du département en question, carte qui était BILINGUE. Avoir su, j'aurais pas niaisé.

J'avais l'impression d'avoir pris énormément de temps pour faire tout ça, et puis sur l'heure du midi, alors que je discutais avec l'autre stagiaire de ce que je faisais, ma boss est intervenue en disant : "She's too fast if you ask me. Like, what am I going to give her ?"
Alors je me suis dit que ça devait pas être si mal.

We are exactly 6 persons working there. Two of us only are francophones (and the other girl is part-time, so I was on my own today, felt veeeeery lonely ;)), three of the others speak French at various levels and this one guy speaks only English.

My boss started picking on me today. So I'm the victim for the next 3 months, I guess. He's this really weird, funny, self-made man. Anyways, so he started by telling me that what I was doing wasn't exactly challenging. I called him mean. Then at lunch break, he asked me and the other guy if we had brothers and sisters. I said I had a step-sister, which of course opened the door to the never-ending question "or, your parents are divorced ?" and I explained that no, my father had simply been with another woman before he met my mother. "Oh", my boss said. "Is she older or younger ?" "Older", I replied. "Obviously." And that seemed to be the most hilarious thing, and then supposedly we were "even". But we weren't. Translating jokes seem to be the funniest, now... :)

So in the afternoon, I translated some little thing for the website, and then the English guy came to me with a website address, asking me to translate 3 pages of it for him. I entered the address, and then realized it was a French website. This meaning that I had to translate it into English. Which is, like, something I don't do. I can't do that. But there was nothing else to do (I had already spent over an hour just doing terminology stuff), so I thought I'd give it a try. Plus, there's two of us in the same office, so I figured I could always ask the other guy if I had questions.
It was quite entertaining, I must say. It's something about sewing and clothing, which isn't something I'm familiar with, even in French. So I spent a lot of time discussing with Alex (the other student) about different words of the English language - the good part of it is that he speaks French as well, so it's that less complicated to tell him exactly what concept I am looking for.

Anyways. So it was quite fun, I'll be finishing this up sometime tomorrow, but I really hope I don't get too much of this stuff.

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