Monday, September 06, 2004

Saw Taking lives last night. The beginning disgusted me a bit, then it became bearable. Actually, the most fun part was identifying the few Québec actors in the movie. Other than that, well. Ethan Hawke is cute. And Kiefer Sutherland used to be cute.

Also saw Bowling for Columbine - I know I'm way behind schedule, but it takes time to convince your boyfriend to rent that. Had to compromise and rent Taking lives at the same time. ;)
Was good, liked it, just was confused at some point because they tell the story of this woman who called the police claiming that a black man had gotten her outside of her car at a red light and had taken off with the car, inside which were her two children. They stopped the story there - nothing about how the woman had just made that up and she really had driven the car and her two kids into a river herself.

That was today's review :)

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