Thursday, January 20, 2005

I applied lip balm once this morning around 9 o'clock, then at 12:20 and then at 4:30 in the afternoon. This blog is becoming an official demonstration of a girl trying to break her addiction to lip balm. And for what it's worth, I finally deducted that there is no actual addiction at all. In my case, everything lies in the fact that as soon as my lips don't have that smooth balm feeling, I think they're dry, when they are not. However, I'm not giving up just yet as I've made tremendous improvements in one week. Plus, I got quite good at gaining control over my addictions lately, so who knows, maybe one day I'll write a book about it. So I can teach people how to quit smoking, quit chewing their nails, quit si'ing, etc. I am going to rule the world, ya know.

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