Thursday, April 13, 2006

C'est bizarre comment une chanson que vous n'avez pas entendue depuis des mois peut vous rentrer dans la tête soudainement.

Moi, présentement, c'est Les Misérables :

- I might've known the bitch could bite
I might've known the cat had claws
I might've guessed your little secret
Ah yes the virtuous Fantine
Who keeps herself so pure and clean
You'd be the cause I have no doubt
Of any trouble hereabout
You play a virgin in the light
But need no urgin' in the night!

- She's been laughing at you while she's having her men!
- She'll be nothing but trouble again and again!
- You must slack her today!
- Slack the girl today!

- Right my girl - on your way!

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