Monday, November 20, 2006

Luckily, this time around, I only was at a loss for words for 48 hours. Or sort of. My words have begun coming back to me this morning - not exactly those I had been waiting for, but others that come from a tangent. Which is good enough for me. I'm getting good at this. Maybe in a few lightyears I'll have learned to deal using tools other than self-destruction. Not that it would be something that I'm trying to achieve - but it's the kind of thing that could very well happen on its own. Anyways. Tangent, I said?

So two hours and a half is a long time. There it is, the product of that last drive (if I can remember all of it):

A. A small piece on life, which should start with a quote from Marvin, oddly enough, to be posted shortly;
B. I find too many questions for too little answers, and the ratio is beginning to make me think maybe it's not worth bothering with after all;
C. You wouldn't believe the unhealthy relationships I keep. No, I mean, really, you might think you would, but trust me, you. have. no. idea. I need healthy relationships. If you have one for sale, contact me via comments or guestbook;
D. Digging up things you had intentionally pushed at the back of your mind for a few hundred years is pretty disorienting. Comparing it to what you had replaced them with as well;
E. Une remise en question du même style que celle inspirée, le temps d'un après-midi, par le légendaire Manu, à la puissance trois;
F. A few what-if's I never saw coming and the possibility of a scary future;
G. I trust that I am in for a lot of name-calling and I could just bet they're gonna start with "young and stupid"(!);
H. Thank god for the other end of the world.

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