Saturday, November 25, 2006

This is to expand on my new poll above.

At some point last summer, the hot topic became exactly that: what would you do if you were granted a day that you could spend doing whatever it is that you want and not have to face the consequences of your actions?

It was gathered that for the most part, women 30 and over would spend that day eating ice cream or fries or whatever that had a lot of sugar and/or saturated fats in it. Which is, well, sad.

Women 30 and under, for the most part, as it turns out, planned to spend that day engaging in sexual activities with someone(s) other than their significant other or someone(s) whom they lacked the nerve to inform that they'd like as a significant other.

Men, on their part, mostly wished to turn that day into a live version of Grand Theft Auto: shoot people, rob banks, etc.

As for me, my first idea involved murder. However, after analysis, it was deducted that if our actions had no consequences, it meant my victim would still be alive the next day, so it would be pointless to commit the murder in the first place. So I needed to find another idea, but I never did and I'm still trying to find one.

Anyways, I thought this would be an interesting poll.

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