Thursday, July 05, 2007

If so, at what point are you aware?

I mean, there was only one time in my life when I thought I was facing a repetition. I'm still not sure it really was, actually, but the lesson was so obvious that it didn't really matter.

Then, there was a time when I had the opportunity to get myself in a situation that strangely resembled one that I'd been in before and that had turned out to make me, well, quite miserable. I let the opportunity pass me by, and well, it could be because I've learned or because I'm a coward, depending on how you look at it.

However, I am currently seeing someone going through roughly the same pattern over and over again (seriously, I mean like 3-4 times, here) and obviously not learning, and I just wonder - how many patterns am I stuck in without recognizing it?

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