Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weirdly enough, the pain in my ribcage has moved from my side to the front. I really don't get it, and I can't decide whether it's good news or not. Anyways, the way it stands now is, everytime it hurts and I automatically react by putting my hand on my ribcage, it looks like I'm feeling myself up...

I just took Tylenols for the pain, which I think has decreased since yesterday, but I'm not sure.

I'm becoming more and more paranoid and worried and I'm actively trying to push the words "cracked rib" at the back of my mind so it stands a lesser chance of actually being the problem.

And of course, Sambuca dearly wanted to sleep on me last night; I had to get her off me four times in order to spare my poor aching ribcage...

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