Monday, January 08, 2018

I spent a disproportionate amount of time in recent weeks looking at school lunch container options for Coco. Go ahead and judge me, but do take into account the fact that I was not only doing this ridiculously in advance purely for the thrill of it or because I am an organization freak - which is not to say that I am not an organization freak, I am, and of course it is part of the reason why - but also because I was hoping to take advantage of any Boxing Day or Post-Holidays sale.

It took me forever to figure out what my preferred option would be, but I did. Just last week.

And because I am special like that and have connections in very freaking high places, this morning Well has a "Refresh your lunch" 20% sale.

I asked Raiontzukai to tell me to be reasonable and not make any purchase nine whole months in advance. But this is the guy who is currently wanting to buy a full-price iPhone X and has installed a camera on our porch last week. So of course he didn't. In part because he likes to spend money and in part because he likes it when I spend money because it validates him in his nerdy shopping sprees.

So today is January 8 and Coco now has a bento box and three leak-proof containers.

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