Wednesday, March 17, 2004

So I stopped at the restaurant to warn them that I wouldn't be working for a little while, and then 2 clients recommended this clinic nearby so that's where I went... I waited for 2 hours and a half, and you are never fucking going to guess what is actually going on.


I mean they really had to chose a 20-year-old girl who's terrified of growing old and give her ar-thri-tis !?
Of course it's what they call traumatic arthritis, meaning it was caused by my long hours of walking each week, but DAMN IT, ar-thri-tis.

So yeah. Is that not just crazy ?

So I got pills that should solve the thing. Pills that I must take with my meals, and then I must avoid sun and alcohol (sp ?). This is extremely re-assuring.

Of course, having spent my morning at the clinic and at the pharmacy, I couldn't catch my bus to get to class, and it's not all that bad anyway, since I don't have my stupid thesis statement ready anyway. I'll work on that today. Yay.

I am so fucking old !

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