Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I think I'm repeatedly getting hit on at the grocery store.

Peanut and I used to do the grocery there for a while, and I used to go there relatively often as it is located in the mall I used to work at (and my boss kept asking me to buy the food we were missing there) so I've seen the guy often enough to recognize him (which is already something, I'm terrible with faces). And at first I thought he was just being nice - that's me, subtle moves go unnoticed.

C'est quand même une amélioration, au moins, j'ai fini par m'en rendre compte, au bout de quelques mois.
Heureusement que tous les gars n'y vont pas en subtilité, parce que je crois que je serais restée célibataire pour le restant de mes jours.

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