Monday, December 26, 2005

Ma mère m'a acheté un gril à raclette pour Noël. Je lui avais demandé d'en choisir un pour 8 personnes. Ne reculant devant rien, ma mère en a déniché un qui, selon la boîte, était pour 10 personnes ! J'étais plutôt impressionnée jusqu'à ce que j'ouvre la boîte et que j'en sorte le gril - oui, il a bel et bien 10 coupelles à l'intérieur, mais que 8 places sous le gril... Fausse représentation !

Other than that, I just paid my credit card bill as well as my rent and my insurance, and well, I'm almost totally broke. Luckily I got some money for Christmas. I have two checks to deposit and I'll take a walk to the bank to do that later.

Currently listening to Fiona Apple's new CD, which I also got for Christmas, and so far I like it. In a few days I should be totally in love with it. What I do already like about it is how her music has evolved since her last two CD's. Yay evolution.

Be kind to me
Or treat me mean
I'll make the most of it; I'm an extraordinary machine

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